A Little Interactive Read ~ 15/05/22


I recently obtained a new deck, the Wise Dog Tarot by MJ Cullinane.

You choose either left, middle or right. Keep what you got and look for the read.

If you picked the Left card

You got the Ten of wands

If you pick this card, you are unsure of the road ahead for you. You may have seen the topic of which you are asking about, however, the journey to the goal may be indicating that you broke off more than you can chew. What do you want to do? Carry on when the path ahead isn’t easy, or plan for an easier path?

If you chose the Middle Card

You got the Four of Cups

This card is similar to the card above which refers to rethinking certain plans. Ask in dreams for certain clues which you can use in the material world. Perhaps not what you wanted to hear but the world is so different now.

If you picked the Right Card

You got The Sun

This is a major arcana card, which means this is a major part of your life journey. Unlike what was in the rest of the cards, this card highlights that the path forward will be illuminated for you to act on. This is also an indication that you are well on in the path, this is card 1 of 21. The card which follows this is Judgement than the World. Use the card as an indication to know that the onus is on you know. You are in the spotlight now, use it well.

That concludes the read



March 2020 Monthly Read


This is March’s monthly read, which I am using the Faery Blessing Cards by Lucy Cavendish & artwork by Amy Brown.


So let’s go!

Card 1

36 ~ A Blessing of a Healing


March will see various healing this month, whether it will be physical/mental, or any other form of healing.  Healing light is being provided by the faery realm for you to access.  The image in the card shows a fae offering healing to the dragon, the dragon is you in the image.

It’s been a long time coming, hasn’t it?

Card 2

39 ~ A Blessing from Queen Mab


These cards come together nicely, the healing energy is coming via Queen Mab, who is a very wise queen.  She’d have seen you’ve been suffering and imparting her wisdom onto you.  Keep a journal to register dreams/images when asleep or in a daydream, as well as number codes.  These are all messages for you to take heed of as you’ve been getting these visions for a while now.  Know this wisdom is for your benefit to help you heal.

As the Loreal advert says ~ “You’re worth it!”

That’s the read for this month




November 2016 Monthly Read


Nearly the end of the year!!!  Here is the recap from the wheel of the year:


Tarot ~ Knight of Swords

Oracle ~ Full moon


Interesting cards this month.  The penultimate card of 2016.  The tarot card is about moving swiftly about mental things or moving house.  Knights are always to do with energy movement, so the winter background also indicates that what was once stagnant energy can now move.  Hurrah!

The full moon card indicates that there is one during the month, and I am not feeling much off this card!  😦

This month I am using the Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, which you can see below.


Each elemental grouping will have 2 tarot cards.

Air ~ Gemini, Libra & Aquarius

Page of Cups and the Fool


Air babies have the page of cups and the fool.  November is going to be a month of learning, of …… the wonderful world of feeling, rather than using the head like we always do (I am a natal and lunar air baby myself).  Stop hyperventilating, it’s not as bad as it sounds.  The card imagery combined tells us that there will be new information and ideas coming to you through your awareness, that’s fine, we are used to that.  At this moment in time, we will be a tad naive to feeling to this depth.  We’re going to have an education in compassion!  However, PLEASE DON’T GO CRAZY with this!!

Earth ~Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Page & Knight of Cups


As a feminine element, although you have a good grasp of “feeling”, it is for material things.  Many Taureans, in particular, tend to indulge in their senses.  Virgos, on the other hand, are very service driven.  Virgo babies?!  you have to try and not be of servitude, hard I know!

You have to nurture and move on with these “feels”

Fire ~ Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

The Moon and Judgement


Being the masculine action energies of the zodiac, you have an interesting read this month.  Prepare to have heaps of psychic messages coming through dreams, visions, etc.  This is what will lead up the river on the moon card, which is symbolic of life’s journey.  Fire babies have major arcana cards this month, so take heed of the message.

Looking at the judgement card, we see that there is a regeneration of things which you thought were long gone.  You’re in a void energy before something yummy and tasty coming to you AND with the moon card, you will be getting a heads up.

Water ~ Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces


Love this month’s read, air signs get water, and water signs get air and fire.  November will be an interesting month for the water bambinos.  You will be engaging in thought and manifestation energies, also action too (maybe even in the bedroom too 😉 )  This is a relatively unknown domain for you all. as your element cushions you from any icky energy normally, this time, you will have to go into this energy I am afraid.

Don’t hide from this, please!  This is also cleansing you and preparing you for your next chapter, and for the new year as next month will be December the end of 2016!

That concludes the reading for November, now for the end of the year reading, for each star sign, I will do each element to each card deck.  If you have any ideas of decks to use per element, let me know either in the comments or on twitter and facebook.  Will be interesting to see which decks will be chosen 🙂

Have a good November



June Monthly Read 2016


This is the recap from the wheel of the year for June:


Cards are Temperance and Transformation

This is an interesting carry on from last month.  As you see in the card names, the temperance card was originally called Art.  This month is all about self belief, know that the worst is over and that your psyche / general feeling better, but maybe a little bit hazy still.  We’re starting to tap into our emotions again!

This card Transformation is the perfect card for the month.  The heart chakra and also her 3rd eye and crown chakras also.  So things are very much reconnecting this month.  The 3 chakras must be realigned and working in unison for projects to come into fruition later on in the year.

Interactive Read

Foe the June read, the decks are the Lo Scarabeo Mermaid Tarot, and the oracle deck is Awakening to your Divine Self.

I have the four elements of Air / Earth / Fire and Water, which are from the left.  There are also four gemstones, which are from the left:

Galaxite; Merlinite; Snowflake Obsidian, and finally, Blue Kyanite.



Gemstone ~ Galaxite

Tarot ~ 9 of Wands (Oars)

Oracle ~ Emergence


The tarot card is showing us a mermaid with a barrier of oars behind her.  Is she spring cleaning?

The oracle card is interesting as well we see a phoenix coming from the flames.  One of the first things that came to me is the breakage of barriers! – I know, air signs and barriers?  I see with the tarot card, a project is nearing completion, or has been completed.  So the getting rid of the old energy for the new?


Gemstone ~ merlinite

Tarot ~ Strength

Oracle ~ Power


The first thing I see in the card is the volcano in the background.  Also, interestingly, her hair is shaped like the infinity symbol and has her Walrus buddy, she is being a bit mean to Mr Walrus!  But know that you can tame that which terrifies you!  And there give people shocks that you can master hard things.

The power card, is essentially about going back to our wild side.  What an earth sign going back to earth?  Its your birthdays, and other celebrations all rolled into one!  Your own elemental energy is being flaunted.  You may feel however that you feel a bit naked as this month sees you being stripped back to the basics and work on building projects from the bottom up.

Also, we see the woman with her wolfy friend in a wood!  Erm?!  she has energy coming to and from her hands, which indicates that using your elemental charge to start the process of meaningful change, you can do it!


Gemstone ~ Snowflake Obsidian

Tarot ~ Justice

Oracle ~ Pathway to Inner Gold


We see the traditional imagery of the woman with her sword and scales.  Fire babies, your gemstone for this month comes from a volcano, as it is a volcanic glass, so are you channeling fire as a hot head? or are you channeling your fire in order to be a creatrix with the universe.

This change is all around us, in the receiving of messages.  The colours of this card is the chakra system, so maybe doing some chakra energy work and then you get the nice vibes which in turn gives you the justice in life that you feel you deserve.


Gemstone ~ Blue Kyanite

Tarot ~ The Hermit

Oracle ~ Truth


The tarot is telling us that there is a strong need to go into a hibernating like state.  You need this period to allow yourself to decide what vibes better for you.  Water babies are a little too eager to please.  Now it is some you time.

As there is a butterfly right on the lady’s throat chakra, which, therefore means combined with the hermit card, we have an ideal environment to allow you to process things in the mind, I know scary scary.  The flowers on her head is showing us that the thoughts you will have this month will begin to have a meaningful change to you this month.  Time to combine your watery instincts with the power of the mind to have beautiful thoughts, speech.  You’re generally too sensitive to too much change without the benefit to being away from the public eye.

This is the start of a wonderful blossoming for you 🙂

That concludes the reading for this month, as my module has finished, I will start again with the weekly read starting from the 6th June.

Until then



May 2016 Monthly Read


It’s May already!  May how time has flown!!

Here is the video of the month:

Here is a recap of this months reading from the reading of the year:

Tarot ~ The Tower

Oracle ~ Angelic Intervention


So far in this reading, we have seen ourselves shut off spiritually from being who we are authentically.  Now we break down the barriers and through the piercing energy of the sword through the throat chakra, we see the emotions have gone awry and your passions are like ….. can’t do!  You can fee; something is happening to your energy, its being cleansed and re-calibrated.  Oh!  I just seen the pentacle is cracked also.  As we see blood coming from the wound (sorry!  i didn’t see it before!)  This is a BIG realignment and gaining your new base energy level.

In the oracle card, we are being guided to work with the angelic realm and ask for their assistance.  As you are going through the cleansing, you can ask the angels to protect you as you do your thing.

Now this months reading, this month I am using using the Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot and the Oracle of the Mermaids by Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech.


You had the choice of the following 4 stones, which were connected to the elements or the elements themselves.  The cards will be done by order of Element.


Tarot ~ The Seven of Pentacles

Oracle ~ Imramma

Gemstone ~ Labridorite


The tarot card shows a mermaid tending to her treasure chest of abundance.  She seems to be content whilst she is working on gaining her abundance.  So, if there  is something in the pipeline, there is sure to be some fab news in the near future huzzah!

Wonder voyage, crossing deep waters, pilgrimage, journey of the soul

As well as there having a need to be protected while fooshty energy is being released, allowing yourself to be on the flow of life.  The image shows a mermaid looking at the dolphins, so slow down and allow your energy to through the natural ebbs anf flows, which is the cycle of life.

This gemstone has a rainbow through it, this life has a kaleidoscope of colours.  Life is a spectrum of experience, the things is embracing these different shades of the rainbow will help you towards your life goal(s) in this lifetime.  Air babies, it will be an interesting month for you!


Tarot ~ The Devil

Oracle ~ Adrift

Gemstone ~ Sugalite


This has an energy of you having shut off your feelings.  One of the much less common themes of this card is about not being authentic to yourself.  You can live the life you came to walk on this planet.  This devil is cute, LOL!  More explanation in the oracle card

Letting go, allowing a higher force to take charge for a while

This card is so perfect coupled with the Devil.  Allow the messages from the universe to filter through.  Living by today’s standards is stifling you on your life’s voyage.  It’s much better to come out your comfort zone, and live the life according to the soul’s voice.  You came here to be unique!

This gemstone is asking you to open up to the universe’s wisdom.  This stone is purple, so your magic in life will come from the voice of the source / god / etc whichever way you do your spirituality.


Tarot ~ The Tower

Oracle ~ Beauty

Gemstone ~ Lepidolite


The first thing that comes to mind is the tower in flames.  This is about using your own inherent fire energy to displace icky energy, to allow the new energy of manifestation and abundance to flow through.  As there is likely to be energy clearings this month.  You may feel your fire is a bit quenched this month as it being cleansed.

grace, lovliness, integrity of form and spirit

Again, like earth before you.  Your tarot and oracle cards connect together.  As mentioned above, your energy is being cleaned out, what is ming energy suddenly becomes a lot better and pleasant it progresses, and therefore, beauty will be obtained.

This gemstone is purple has commonly both purple and grey with sparkles.  So the old grey energy is being replaced by the universe to nice loving energy.  About time?  and of course your ability to manifest things will shoot up too.


Tarot ~ Page of Cups

Oracle ~ Air

Gemstone ~ Apricot Agate


This card for water babies this month is in your own suit – cups.  Emotions will be taking  a bit of a battering as it is refreshed and having to learn new ways to work with this energy!

Breathing deep, entering into life, exchange of life – bringing energies

To carry on with the topic of breathing new energy into your energy field.  Air is the mental energy that you need to manifest.  Energy surrounding new projects will allow you to move forward, taking into account your sensitive energy.

This gemstone when you look at it closely, has different layers to it.  So this mirrors the fact that this month is about stripping away the layers of all that doesn’t work.  There will also be a lot of nurturing as well with the rich juices that will be coming in for you.

That concludes this month’s read, see you in June!



An interesting thought on the Scythe

Aloha everyone

Further to this video, I have some interesting thoughts following on from the following video from Ms Kelly from the Truth and Story:


Here is a picture of the card in question:


I had this thought on the following:

Oh and something that just came to me whilst washing the dishes. Mme Lenormand was active in the time of the French Revolution which had a lot of guillotines and chopping off people’s heads. I don’t get the weapons for the scythe either. Did someone come up with a threat with, I used my scythe to chop off the ears of the corn (I think some pictures show), how I will chop your ear of eh? LOL Or….. some twisted relevance to the guillotine! It was a time of the french people with said head chopping offs, maybe someone started fear mongering saying, “The guillotine is out to get you Ha ha ha” Whoever came up with the scythe being with death, injury, and warning (of getting their head chopped off) must have been a charlatan reader?! Do we know if Mme Lenormand attributed that meaning herself? Fear mongering!!!!!!! then I see this: http://www.slidego.com/res/palooza/europe/FrenchRevolution-2/631FB98A.jpg

Then I noticed this:

The Death Card from be CBD Marseilles Tarot.

This would’ve have been a popular tarot deck at the time.  But I don’t see the scythe as a weapon?

Love and hugs



March 2016 Monthly Read

Aloha!  This month, I am doing the march Monthly read.  We start with this week’s music, and then the recap!



Recap from the yearly Read:

Tarot ~ The Star

Oracle cards ~ Flowering


This is the end to the first 3 months of the year, things work in 3’s quite often.  On the raven’s wing we see the Yin / Yang symbol.  As this card is about obtaining wisdom from the divine, and intuitively manifesting it, or, seeing the truth to things that haven’t been feeling right.  And at last, you can do something.

This month’s oracle card is interesting, this card is the superb card back up to receiving these downloads from spirit.  These messages (not the crown chakra colouring about the ladies’ head).  This information is useful and nurturing, which is flowering your psychic communication and discerning the information.

Interactive Read


This month, the tarot deck is the Mystic Faerie Tarot, and the oracle card is the Words and Whispers Cards from the same artist as the tarot deck, Linda Ravenscroft.  From the above, pick the two cards for you depending on your star sign element.  From left, Air ~ Earth ~ Fire ~ Water.


T ~ Seven of Swords

O ~ Don’t Be Blue


The tarot card shows a fae queen, tending to the plants giving it some water, so it can grow!  This month is about bringing projects to fruition.

The oracle card is basically giving you a gentle reminder that its sometimes hard when you are in the throes of trying to manifest things.  We will often feel down when things don’t go according to plan.  The universe is telling you that it is to feel this way this month.  The manifestation is coming!


T ~ Knight of Swords

O ~ Dance


The tarot card is all about the mind.  This month it will be racing, and as you are an earth sign, you guys who are earth signs prefer to feel things, rather than doing things, and going here, there, and everywhere.  Whatever the energy this month, change is going to be swift, as for the things that don’t work for you now is just dropping away swiftly.  So March on through the changes!

This is a really interesting message.  Enjoy the flow and rhythm of your own strengths and weaknesses in life.  is there a time in the moon cycle that makes you feel empowered?  It will make you slightly awkward.  Something that you don’t often is listen to the lunar energy as you like to keep grounded.  Eeeeek!


T ~ Eight of Swords

O ~ Dark Roses have Hearts


This month, the fire signs will all be feeling like they are trapped, and therefore unable to work.  Fire babies have to wonder about and do your thing.  Note the outfit / dress is in tatters!  I am not saying that you will be down and out!  but you won’t be.  Just allow this energy in.

This is an energy that is saying that you should listen to the energy of the tarot card!


T ~ The Devil

O ~ Hope


Water babies have interesting cards.  Do you feel like you want to.  Don’t feel you arre isolated from hearing and being.  Although this card has a vast number of ways to be interpreted.  But for us, we are being told not to be restricted by the society norm.  Yep, you can do what you need to be your own person.  As this card is a major arcana, this will be a big step for you this month!

You may not like the situation you are in at the moment, as you can’t shine!  You are the element that likes to go with the flow, if you are not doing this, you feel lost!  But!  there is hope!

As I am busy with uni work, I am doing the #1adayfor38days challenge on my Instagram account, look for Ametrine_Moon, I’ll be there.

See you in April!



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Valentine’s Day 2016 Read


Here’s is the valentine’s read, but first song music to get into the mood.

And here are the cards:

Valentine read

The question I want to ask is, What is it you are trying to cut through?  Swords are the mind, and knights are normally movement!  He tends to bound into things without thinking!

The Empress card is all about being abundant.  Who is the one trying to talk themselves out of this?  The simple answer is DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TALK YOURSELF OUT OF IT!!  Dr Love will see you now!

Have a lovely Valentine’s



Interactive Read Meanings


Sorry I have to do my interactive read on here.


Heart ~ Ace of Pentacles


If you picked this card, there is an energy of new feelings / lurve spidey senses.  There is sudden and welcome abundance to do with things that are beneficial for your growth and spiritual enhancement, not only monetary wealth.

Valentines ~ Seven of Swords


Well, we start with a cheesy phrase, “Someone has stolen your thoughts.”  In the background of this card, is a circus or carnival.  Is finding love in today’s modern society a circus?

The sad news is that it will be partially successful.  There will be that element of something not feeling totally right!

Heart ~ Ten of Pentacles


This is an interesting card.  The card depicts a family ~ granddad, parents, a kid as well as a dog.  If you already have a family, then why are you getting this card?  Having a row?  getting divorced?  Going through a rough patch?  Things will get better as your heart is pulling this to you!  Perhaps you’ve just a child / parent / beloved pet.  The heart is feeling this pain at the moment, the best thing to do is connect to the energy and sit quietly with it to process what you need to do!

That concludes the interactive read, I will have a special read for valentine’s day also.



2016 Wheel of the Year (final part)


This is the last 4 months of the year, so lets hear what the tarot and oracle have to say as well complete 2016!


Tarot ~ Two of Cups

Oracle ~ Guided Decisions


Now this is an interesting tarot card.  On both chalices, we see an indication to the divine feminine energy.  Virgo is the star sign of this month, so we may literally epitomise the energy this month.

Furthermore, we have messages coming through the oracle card that indicates that we need to recentre.  The spirit realms are becoming more easier to access for us and with the cup energy as well, we can start to reconnect or indeed connect to new guides.


Tarot ~ King of Swords

Oracle ~ Hidden Blessings


This card is showing us that this month, we are being a bit cynical?  The king is known for being grounded and to share his views honestly.  So we are now being fully comfortable in our skin and energy.

You are starting to see that some good is coming via what was formally uncomfortable, or just drowned in the sheer energy volume coming through earlier on in the year.


Tarot ~ Knight of Swords

Oracle ~ Full moon


Interesting cards this month.  The penultimate card of 2016.  The tarot card is about moving swiftly about mental things or moving house.  Knights are always to do with energy movement, so the winter background also indicates that what was once stagnant energy can now move.  Hurrah!

The full moon card indicates that there is one during the month, and I am not feeling much off this card!  😦


Tarot ~ Five of Pentacles

Oracle ~ Nature Nurturance


Finally, this card and month is about illusions.  So we are looking at what you get given.  The tree in the background is bare, so things are going to be quiet this month.  So there will be a stagnant feeling this month.

The final oracle card is about importance of combing nature with nurture.  This is actually an age old controversy in psychology, however, for us it is about what you need to have in the reciepe for the formula of how you live life.

That this this years wheel of the Year.

